"This experience affirmed that it is 100% worth taking time to unlearn, re-learn and heal with others" - The Inner Work Participant

The Inner Work

We believe that in order to transform the environmental movement on a deep, systemic level, we must address racialized trauma.  CDE’s inaugural Inner Work cohorts were deeply impactful, creating a supportive community and healing space for Indigenous people, Black people, and People of Color working in the environmental movement. We are committed to continuing the…

Environmental Professionals of Color (EPOC) EE Gathering Series

Environmental Educators Gathering Series

Environmental Professionals of Color – Environmental Educators Gathering Series The intention with the Environmental Professionals of Color (EPOC) EE Gathering series is to recharge, address emergent issues and energize people with the knowledge that they are not alone. CDE defines EE inclusive of traditional environmental education; Indigenous science; Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and other nontraditional and…